Surely though they still want to have annointed ones on earth to keep up their claim about that class giving everyone else their spiritual food.
I suppose a cull would look good as then the numbers would decrease and they could say that that is eveidence that the end is near.
Oh, I'm getting a bit confused over all this, they change things so quietly but so often and it's only us on the outside that can see that it is not 'new light', it's old bullshit in another guise!
south african beef
JoinedPosts by south african beef
Just What Is The WT Up To Now?
by lovelylil inhas anyone heard about what is going on inside the organization these days regarding those who claim to be "anointed" christians?
i have had at least three different people now who live in different areas of the country tell me that the elders are systematically pushing out people who claim to have become anointed within the last few years.
these would be younger ones who are now professing the heavenly rather than earthly hope.. i find this interesting for several reasons.
south african beef
Where does most of the WBT$ Literature really go?
by OUTLAW inthe wbt$ prints an incredible amount of literature..jehovah`s witness`s usually buy multiple copies of everything..where does it all go? can`t throw it away or burn it,only satan burns watchtower!
! mom has floor to ceiling copies of all of it..every jw i know has a garage,basement or spare bedroom filled with it..there must be millions of dollars worth of wbt$ literature that has never been placed door to door..where did most of your wbt$ literature really go?...outlaw
south african beef
One thing that always troubled me about the Witto's was that they are not evironment aware.
Surely all the trees that have to be felled to make the literature is a complete waste and helps to destroy the planet?
Also they don't want you to have the latest low emmissions vehicle because that would be a showy display of ones means of life - no, any old banger spewing out tons and tons of noxious fumes will do, it doesn't matter, Jehover will sort it all out in the new order.
How crass.
of the Never Used to Worry About the Environment but now recycles everything class. -
Someone isn't happy with me
by dedpoet ini just received this email from a jw.
he isn't the first person to send me his views on my website, i've had plenty of correspondence lately, but at least this one isn't full of abusive language, which many of them have been.
those ones tend to get deleted, though i have sent a few, with the email addresses included, to wts headquarters.
south african beef
I thought your response to him was very polite Dedpoet.
The JW's have a real problem don't they? They aren't meant to be looking on the internet at anything to do with the Witnesses yet when they do and they find something that questions their beliefs they become all agitated and feel they have to reply - but they never seem to reply in a Godlike manner!
As for bloodguilt, well - don't mention Malawi or the ever changing stance on blood transfusions eh?! -
south african beef
Here's to a happy birthday Lola, from someone who is really old, but who has only in the last few years started celebrating his own birthday.
Congratulations and have a good day.
LITERATURE DENIED for NONPAYMENT. Has this occured on congo level?
by uwishufish indoes anyone know if this has happened in any 1st world countries?
south african beef
In reply to Nelly136 I believe that many countries in the world do not operate the donation arrangement.
I understand that the WTS has only bought it in to countries where there would be tax implications if they 'charged' for the literature.
So again they are just maximising their profits.
Now Linda is ill!!
by dedpoet infirst it was her mum in hospital, then it was me, just for a night, though i've been ordered to rest and given 6 weeks off work, and now linda (fullofdoubtnow) is ill. she has a really bad bout of flu, which started yesterday, and i expect she'll be in bed for a few days.
i just fed her some soup, which is about all she can manage at the moment, and she's gone back to sleep now.
she sends her love to everyone on the board,i expect she will be posting again in a few days, but for now, she's confined to bed..
south african beef
Hi Trev,
Sorry to hear that it is one thing after another for you at the moment.
Give my regards to Linda and I hope she gets better soon.
There is a lot of it around at the moment isn't there?
All the best,
I am still AMAZED at how much I have learned and keep learning
by megsmomma inthis board has helped me so much in clearing my head and becoming myself.
i feel like i used to be such a shell of a person......and when i would hear the things the wtbts taught....i just numbly took it in and didn't really even really "hear" what they said.
then, i was so well "trained" to respond to questions from people that i could give the "right" answers to questions from studies....."wait on jehovah...." being a common one.. after i left years ago...i still wasn't free from the teachings.
south african beef
It took me a couple of years after I left to start looking on the (satans) internet.
I'm so glad I did - I have learnt so much and I know for a fact that the JW's are not what they think they are. They are not gods people.
This is a great site, sometimes I'm on it every night, sometimes less so, but I always check to see if I have a PM from anyone and if I do I'm really excited!
Also my wife and I went to the recent Apostacurry in Manchester which was arranged by a wonderful man who posts here under the name "Dansk", and we met some fantastic people.
This site reaches places other sites can't reach!
Coming to terms with.....
by PaulJ in.....being about to turn 30! january the 3rd if you're interested.
south african beef
Seriously life does get better and better with age.
When I was in my 30's I thought I couldn't feel better.
Now in my mid 40's. remarried, out of the Org, travelling round the world seeing wonderful places (without feeling guilty about not visiting the local Kingdom Hall!) life really has never ever been so good.
Embrace and enjoy your 30's, but look forward with eager anticipation to your 40'S!!!
whats the action plan for armogedon
by pippy injust wondering what the dubs will do if they think that armogedon is really starting... will they run for the hills,,, will they tape up their windows and stay inside with their 3 months worth of stored food??
will the elders one day anounce a secret location for them to all go to immediatly without telling any unbelievers where they are going???
i am always scared that one day my parents will disappear and i wont know how to rescue them ... though i spose if i was to rescue them , i should be doing it now ,, not sure they would come out happy at the end of the day though, so what do u do!!
south african beef
Same feelings from me too.
It certainly will get better for you.
I sometimes had flashbacks and worries about Armageddon actually being true, but the more I looked into the JW's I realised that I had been totally duped.
Yes, we may all die sometime, but not at the hands of (a 'loving') god.
I'm enjoying my life soooooo much more since I left the Witto's.
JW start out early making you feel guilty
by MsMcDucket ini remember when they wouldn't give me the kingdom ministry because i wasn't an approved associate/publisher/baptised.
i started thinking god everybody knows that i am not good enough for jehovah.
if i had of only known then what i know now, i wouldn't have fell for it.
south african beef
Failing to mark up your Watchtower,
Failing to do 10 hours field service,
Failing to have a family sudy,
Failing to answer up at the meeting,
How do you plead?
GUILTY m'lud!
So glad that all that crap is behind me now.